Design & Technology

“Technology makes possibilities. Design makes solutions” John Maeda.  

“Design and Technology creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”  Robert L. Peters.

Key Stage 3

Students of Design and Technology at Sandymoor Ormiston Academy are tasks to design, make and evaluate a range of practical solutions to challenges presented in our modern world; be this designing, selecting materials for the next space ship, evaluating clothing for travellers to Mars or even creating the food they may consume.   Students study a range of technological vehicles such as textiles, electronics, technical drawing, food preparation and evaluation across their 3 year journey.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, students can choose from a range of design and technology based options: Food preparation and nutrition, textiles, engineering and art.

British Values, SMSC and Cultural Capital 

Students investigate the moral choices facing designers & manufacturers when deciding on materials and how products evolve according to users’ and designers’ needs, beliefs, ethics and values. They explore how products contribute to lifestyle and consumer choices and how the use of the six ‘Rs’ of sustainability support the conservation of the earth’s resources. They learn the responsibilities that rest on the shoulders of the more developed countries in minimising waste and the impact global warming is having on the environment.  

Students appreciate the importance of following rules to maintain a safe and efficient working environment as well as self‐regulation.  Students are encouraged to be curious; investigating and developing reasoned views about moral and ethical issues whilst appreciating the viewpoints of others.

We encourage mutual respect through peer observations and feedback and self-confidence through reflective practice when exploring their own ideas and concepts. Product analysis in all areas promotes students’ opportunities to respectfully critique work.