House System

Our house system gives our united family a ‘home’ and a deepened sense of belonging.

Each house name has been chosen by our students to reflect our community of Runcorn:

Brindley: the Bridgewater Canal was named after canal engineer, James Brindley, who also gives his name to our local Brindley Theatre.

Hartree: some of the most advanced digital technology is housed in Runcorn in the Hartree Centre.

Ethelfleda: Ethelfleda was not only the founder of the first fortified settlement in Runcorn, but arguably one of the most pivotal figures in the foundation of Mercia.

Valdez: Dom Valdez was a truly inspirational man who we should all feel proud of. He came from humble beginnings to establish a legacy of renowned hospice care facilities in Runcorn.

By fostering mini-communities within our larger, school community, students and staff form strong bonds and connections. Through our inter-house interactions we aim to enrich the experiences on offer whilst injecting fun and excitement through healthy competition. In doing so we encourage confidence and resilience when participating in events which may be outside of our natural comfort zone.

At the heart of our approach stands pupil leadership. We place great emphasis on student representation in all forms and our vibrant community supports and delivers on social action time and time again, standing tall in our local area.

We are proud of ourselves, individually and collectively.