
Sandymoor Ormiston Academy joined Ormiston Academies Trust in December 2019. Ofsted inspections tend to follow 3 years after the point of transfer so we expect a visit around the end of the year 2022.

To view Ofsted’s page, please click here

To access Parent View, please click here

CohortProgress headlines
2018-19Progress 8 score -0.3 validated
Attainment 8 score 45.1
English and Maths 4+ 54%
English and Maths 5+ 38%
2021-22Progress 8 score -0.3 validated
Attainment 8 score 45.9
English and Maths 4+ 67.5%
English and Maths 5+ 39%
2022-23Progress 8 score to follow once validated
Attainment 8 score 42.6
English and Maths 4+ 61.4%
English and Maths 5+ 39%

Click here to access Secondary School Performance data from The Department for Education